Project Overview

South Bend Public Transportation Corporation (TRANSPO) has initiated an alternatives analysis (AA) to identify possible configurations for urban circulator service in the South Bend Urban Corridor. The goal of a circulator system is to improve mobility, increase ridership, and enhance transit connections to and from South Bend’s central business district using high quality, frequent, and reliable transit service.

What is the purpose of the South Bend AA?
The purpose of the AA is to identify and analyze the benefits, costs, and impacts associated with various transit alternatives in the South Bend Corridor. This information will help us understand how a transitway can improve transit service and increase ridership while also encouraging local sustainable development within an established urban environment.

What modes and alignments will be studied in the South Bend Urban Corridor AA?
Modes to be considered in this AA include bus, bus rapid transit (BRT), and street car.

What is the expected outcome of the South Bend Urban Corridor AA?
The AA will result in the selection of an alternative that best meets the transportation needs of the local community in terms of technical feasibility, costs, and benefits. This is often called the locally preferred alternative, or LPA. An AA is the first step towards federal funding of a transitway project.

What is the study process to identify the LPA?
The study activities will fall into four main stages:
  1. Project initiation, during which a comprehensive problem statement is developed along with goals and objectives for potential solutions
  2. Initial development and screening of the universe of alternatives
  3. Refinement and detailed evaluation of the most promising alternatives
  4. Final assessment of alternatives and development of recommendations

It is expected that the South Bend Urban Corridor AA will take approximately 12 months to complete.

Click on the image below to see the schedule: